Malik Easah founding Director of Cardinal Resources Limited. Now a Director of a Asante Gold Corporation (ASE:CSE). Malik is a resident of Ghana.
Bishop Resources NL is currently exploring exciting gold potential in Ghana, across a total project area of 478km2. Built on a legacy of success, we are now pursuing opportunities for new world class deposits, while pushing boundaries for what gold exploration can achieve.
Our goal is to unearth the next world-class discovery in Ghana. We are proud to say that we are well on the way to achieving this, with a legacy of over 12.5 million ounces of gold discovered over the last 10 years.
We do not just take a passive approach. We use our deep local knowledge and connections to achieve a more efficient, more effective business. We know that it is not enough to manage a company from a comfortable office, so our management team is out there on the ground in Ghana, travelling to our exploration tenements in-country. We take an active role in deploying our teams, and working with the local communities to manage our projects.
For us, it is all about action. We oversee our projects in person, and let the results speak for themselves.
And with five active projects currently in our pipeline, we look forward to an exciting future ahead.
Malik Easah founding Director of Cardinal Resources Limited. Now a Director of a Asante Gold Corporation (ASE:CSE). Malik is a resident of Ghana.
Michele is a Partner with Hopgood Ganim specialising in Merger and acquisitions. Markets and Resources and Energy. Michele is a Non-Executive Director with ASX-Listed Aeris Resources Limited (ASX: AIS) and a NonExecutive Director with Cardinal Resources Limited.
Alec Pismiris was a director of Papillion Resources Limited and a founding Director of Cardinal Resources Limited.
He is currently a director of ASX listed companies Agrimin Limited, Aguia Resources Limited, Mount Magnet South NL and Pelican Resources Limited
David qualified as Chartered Accountant, previously employed at Attorney Generals Department, holds a Graduate Diploma is Applied Finance and has been a Stockbroker for nearly 30 years. Founder of numerous ASX listed companies.
Sapelliga covers the eastern strike extent of the Youga gold mine.
RC drilling of the Youga Strike Extension by Castle Minerals (22 holes) and Bishop Resources NL (28 holes) has confirmed excellent gold mineralisation, and is providing an exciting prospect for future growth.
Originally explored by Red Back in 2005 and Etruscan Resources in 2008, Bishop Resources NL is now exploring the true potential of this project.
Teshie Central Pit with Narrow stacked quartz veins highlighted in red.
The Tili tenement remains relatively unexplored, presenting the potential for the discovery of both large-scale open pit and high-grade underground deposits.
Tili Exploration Map – Rock Chip and Soil Sampling
The Gogo Project is located 30km east of the town of Bolgatanga, making it one of our more accessible projects—but with no less untapped potential.
Gogo ground magnetic survey (TMI image), showing survey lines
The Nubadala large scale prospecting license is located in NE Ghana some 65 km NE of Bolgatanga.
The tenement covers an area of 113 km2. The area is underexplored by modern methods, and is punctuated by artisanal workings.
Proving up open pit deposit
Sapelliga covers the eastern strike extent of the Youga gold mine.
RC drilling of the Youga Strike Extension by Castle Minerals (22 holes) and Bishop Resources NL (28 holes) has confirmed excellent gold mineralisation, and is providing an exciting prospect for future growth.
Originally explored by Red Back in 2005 and Etruscan Resources in 2008, Bishop Resources NL is now exploring the true potential of this project.
Teshie Central Pit with Narrow stacked quartz veins highlighted in red.
The Tili tenement remains relatively unexplored, presenting the potential for the discovery of both large-scale open pit and high-grade underground deposits.
Tili Exploration Map – Rock Chip and Soil Sampling
The Gogo Project is located 30km east of the town of Bolgatanga, making it one of our more accessible projects—but with no less untapped potential.
Gogo ground magnetic survey (TMI image), showing survey lines
The Nubadala large scale prospecting license is located in NE Ghana some 65 km NE of Bolgatanga.
The tenement covers an area of 113 km2. The area is underexplored by modern methods, and is punctuated by artisanal workings.
Proving up open pit deposit
The entire team at Bishop Resources NL understands the impact that mining can have on local communities. So we do everything we can to make sure we use this impact for positive change.
From the inception of our operations, our aim has been to leave our main focus areas in better condition than when we arrived. We do this by actively engaging with the local communities, and seek out their voice and concerns over how we manage our mining practices.
This is not just about our success. Bishop Resources NL is aiming to create a company that employs local workers for generations to come. We are actively creating jobs in the local towns where our tenements lie, and are focussed on creating a successful future for the entire region.
After all, we believe that prosperity should be shared.
We are also committed to managing explorations that create as little ground disturbance as possible. We do this by using more sustainable exploration processes, and ensuring that we improve and rehabilitate the land on which we work.